#SBALLIAMOCIDIVITA is the event that aims at making young people reflect on the beauty of life beyond the highs, alcohol, and drugs.

The event #SBALLIAMOCIDIVITA was conceived and designed, after years of work in close contact with young people to raise awareness among young people and public opinion about the beauty of life beyond the “high” and the possibility of having fun and being together in other ways.

Young people during preteen and teenage years are tested by moving their limits further in an identity search and with the goal of being accepted by the herd or group. Often they live experiences starting from an idea of invincibility with phrases like: “What do you want?”.

Young people, even if more socially involved, are likely to experience moments of loneliness and identity crisis where the use of extra glasses or ” substances” becomes a fundamental moment of escape.

The event, through music, sport, sharing, entertainment wants to be a symbol of life and alternatives to the highs.

The proceeds of these 3 days will be partly donated to associations working in the recovery of young people from alcohol and drugs and to projects created in the area with other educational agencies and parishes on prevention, on the relationship with young people in amusement places such as gardens, parks and nightclubs.

We think that we should not fight this social problem through judgment or prohibition, but through dialogue, personal and cultural growth and with the help of children in the search for their own self, their dreams and their life path.

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Labilia s.r.l.
Via Goito, 41
62012 Civitanova M. (MC)